Products compliant with the highest quality and manufacturing standards

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About us

Why Vinan?

Developed by professionals – made for consumers

Our vision is to enable the consumer to make a sustainable and positive change using our cosmetic, food and baby products . Important principles, such as high quality, the facilitation of everyday life and the implementation of your goals are our top priorities! In order to realise our vision, we developed our strategies and brands through professional help and brought them to perfection for you.


We are aware of the responsibility we have with our products to our customers. That is why the well-being of our customers always comes first.


For us, responsibility means developing outstanding products that are as sustainable as possible, both socially and ecologically.


In order to develop the best possible products, we, together with our partners, rely on our many years of expertise in a variety of areas.

Our products

We cover everything around healthy life! This begins in childhood. Our wide range includes food for toddlers and babies, wet wipes and various baby care products. When it comes to healthy life, nutrition is also very important these days. Our DiDo Slim Shake is just the right springboard to take a vital attitude to life! A neat and healthy appearance puts the final touch. Make sure to browse our wide selection of care products and cosmetics.

Babies & Children
Nutrition and nutritional supplements
Care & Cosmetics

Our brands

Cosmetic Products

Baby Products

Food Products


You would like to get in touch with us? Just fill out the contact form below and we will be happy to answer your questions or suggestions!

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